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Friday, February 4, 2011

School Ethics classes update

An update on Ethics classes.
Not to do with the hysterical Christians meeting.
But something that will make them very unhappy.
The Liberal opposition in NSW have decided to do a backflip and are now supporting ethical classes. When they come to power in March, which they will, call me psychic, they will continue the classes, which are just starting now.
At last the conservatives have put good sense before a few cheap votes.
Here is a link to the Christian lobby say on this.


  1. "In an interview for the PM program on ABC Radio when ethics classes were first introduced in NSW, Archbishop Jensen spoke of the importance of scripture as a separate study to ethics. "

    I agree, ethics and scripture are different. There's little ethics to be learnt from a group that think their God is both wonderful and kills people in floods and fires then damns most of the casualties to eternal torment.

    Scripture should be taught as a subset of anthropology, sociology, history or literature (classic fiction).

  2. The holey rollers would want scripture only classes.
    The Ethics classes are for kids that don't currently go to scripture.
    Of course anyone can go to the Ethics classes, anyone can drop out of scripture. That is up to their parents.
    Scripture is only directed at those of a particular persuasion. Jensen et al are not completely honest, they obviously want all kids to go to scripture.
    I would not be upset if they scrapped scripture and Ethics classes and had comparative religious classes. That is all religions including the old Pagan ones as well as the non religion Atheism then can all be discussed.
