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Thursday, December 23, 2010


Here we go again.
You thought we were rid of the Power Balance Bracelet.
We now have Q-Link.
The next big pseudoscientific, scamming bullshit to hit our shores.
With testimonials from numerous well known Australians.
Bart Cummings, Mario Fenech, Tim Sheens etc, etc, etc.
The number of Q-Link products is only limited by your lack of imagination.

Q-Link Mini   Stick this on your mobile phone and protect you against electro magnetic radiation.
Q-Link Pendants   For improved physical and mental performance. Wear one to bed and literally spring out of bed in the morning.
Q-Link Bracelets   The same as the pendant but worn on the wrist.
Q-Link Home/Office USB   Increase your productivity whilst banging on the keyboard, has a 10 metres radius so anyone in that radius will receive the same benefit.
Q-Link Performance Clothing   Helps your bodies energy system to function more efficiently in sport.
What gullible fools would believe this garbage?
It never ceases to amaze me the gullibility of seemingly intelligent, educated people.

It's Official----Power Balance is a scam

Well it took them long enough.
It was not rocket science that this was a scam.
Power Balance Scam
If anyone wants to buy one, well go for it, but with your eyes fully open of course.
But what is sad is that a lot of high profile sportsman wear these scam bands and it impresses the gullible and young fans. And of course they want one.
How many parents have been pressured into buying one of these scam bands? Pressured by their young impressionable child who is only following their sporting hero.
I blogged on this months ago about it being a scam. It has taken this long for the ACCC to come to the same conclusion.
My previous blog
A look at the power balance site, and, surprise, surprise they are still scamming.
Power Balance site
These scamming merchants should have the book thrown at them.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Queen endorses Ethics Classes

Well, that is my spin on it.
Here is what she is alleged to have said according to the Guardian newspaper.
"People of faith do not have a monopoly on virtue as British society was now "more diverse and secular", the queen told the Church of England today in an address to its governing body.
Speaking at Church House, central London, she told members of General Synod that believers and atheists were equally able to contribute to the prosperity and wellbeing of the country".
Queens address to Synod
There we have it.
And up yours, you increasingly becoming unimportant and irrelevant  Anglican leaders here in N.S.W..

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

White Wine In The Sun by Tim Minchin

Tim Minchin the well known comic singer, songwriter, atheist and sceptic, has a Christmas song out.
Called "White wine in the Sun".  Here is the song on YouTube.
It is basically a Christmas song about the family. It does say a few things that don't support religion, but it does not disrespect it I feel.
The Christian lobby has apparently come out against the song and saying things like, "It's not quite in the spirit of Christmas", sick joke, and disrespectful".
I feel they are just too precious.
Some of the best lines in the song that don't support religion are,
"I would rather break bread with Dawkins than Desmond Tu Tu Tu be honest"
"I get freaked out by churches. Some of the hymns that they sing have nice chords, but the lyrics are dodgy".
This is a good family orientated Christmas song.