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Saturday, October 24, 2009

The silly season has come to Europe

The silly season has well and truly arrived in Europe.
I particularly liked the one in England where the off duty police sergeant saw the three aliens in the field and when he approached them (and said, hello, hello, hello, said the policeman to the three aliens standing in the fields in Wiltshire) they ran away faster than any man could run.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Sensing Murder Shenanigans

Sensing Murder a "reality" show on New Zealand's TVNZ, produced by Ninox Television, apparently currently in receivership.
TVNZ by the way is the New Zealand national broadcaster. It has gone commercial and puts on shows like "Sensing Murder", could they stoop any lower. Is this what happens when you stop funding a national broadcaster of taxpayers money. Any port in a storm I am sure TVNZ is thinking.
This show has three psychics allegedly getting "known" information from the spirits.
The current shenanigans started with this interview, see URL below.
TVNZ interview
Deb Webber mentioned a missing child in the TV interview. She said she got a flash after
walking past a TV talking of the missing child. Deb Webber said she got "Ditch, hole in fallen".
Well that got going in the media and on the forums and blogs.
Deb Webber got a lot of flak for her comments, getting in on the missing child without the parents asking her to be involved.
The blogs in New Zealand went off.
Kiwi Blog
The Standard Blog
Kiwi Blog

As well as the newspapers.
NZ Herald
NZ Herald2
NZ Herald3
NZ Herald4
Things then really hotted up for the believer set with another SM psychic Kelvin Cruikshank went on the Sensing Murder forum to run down his fellow psychic for doing this.
This is what he said.
Kelvin Cruikshank's piece
Hi ALL. I am currently in Australia and have a few things to SAY.
Firstly my prayers go out to the Family of Aisling and I like so many feel for them with this
tradgic loss..
I would like to put it out to everyone that when a person goes missing and Families ask for help
dirrectly to a medium/psychic then it is acceptable for the medium to help and support... BUT it
must be DIRRECT..
In this case it was not dirrect and that is why DEB is getting flack and I must say out of respect for the spirit and families that I beleive that Ms Webber has made a BAD CALL...
PEOPLE must ask direct and in this case it is and was all second and third hand.
CHRISTIANS do not beleive in PSYCHIC'S so they would not ask for help...
I am upset, as I too asked spirit if I could help find Aisling.. my answer from them was STEP BACK...
We should always TRUST in our SPIRIT not our EGO...
TODAY is a sad day for all at the loss of a little angel...
Also I have been receiving some rather nasty emails of HATE toward me and what I do... I must say that it hurts to be on the receiving end of someone elses BAD CALL.
Kelvin currently in Australia.

Kelvin Cruikshank then added more.
Kelvin Cruikshank again
Hi Again... I am not bagging DEB however I am mearly pointing out a fact... We all must check in

with spirit before saying things. Thats all..
Now have a crack at me as much as you like... I have tuff skin... You all say whats on your
mind in here and I am free to say mine..
You may be missing my point... We as mediums cant be pulled into cases or missing person cases were we are not permited to go.
Thats all I am saying... we all want to help, we all what to find and support but there is a time to let the experience of a missing person/case for all involved to FLOW naturaly... It must be what it is to be....
We are not Saints nor marters, we are good people like yourselves trying to be honest...
I know DEB would have meant well and come from the heart to help however she was NOT asked by the imediate family (MUM and DAD) to help...
All I have stated is that I dont beleive DEB should have been involved yet the pressuere from the public and other area's ie tvnz, reporters and good sermartions must play a part..
It's called PRESSURE.
We are human beings just being true to ourselves..
We all get that and we must all learn from our choices...
I have had a number of nasty emails, mostly when sensing murder goes to air.
However the emails this time are so sick that I have to say that I am not impressed at all..
I as a person can only take so much before I speak out...If I could post them I would
As a final word from me on this subject YES I am in Aussi currently, NO I am not on
National TV peddling a book... I have been invited by a small amount of Beleivers to share my gift with them... INVITED not forced NO big Shows just a few small events speaking about how much spirit LOVE us...
Some of you have NO idea what its like nor will you ever understand the pressure that is involved when all were doing is to try and HELP.
Anyway I could write a book on this.. Gee wiz I have and before you get stressed about me writing another book and how much I make from a book I can asure you that writing a book comes from the heart and most certainly is not about self gain at all. The hours and hours that go into a book and what you get back money wise is always in the red... The best thing about a book is the letters and emails of thanks, Thanks for showing me I am not alone etc..( if I new how to put emails on here to show you what I mean I would) Thats why I do this, Thats why I put myself out there.
I love spirit
I am now going to relax... Its been a busy full on day...
Sleep well all...
Remember were all on the same side

It got even more interesting when the S.M. forum administration got in on the act with some very interesting,flack deflecting information. Sensing Murder Forum is run by Ninox Television.
Sensing Murders Administration bit
Sensing Murder administration had this to say.

I just want to clarify a few things from Sensing Murder's perspective.
There appears to be some animosity towards Kelvin because he is distancing himself from Deb's
actions. The fact is, both Kelvin and Sue's photos have been appearing in articles about Deb's
involvement in the Aisling Symes case - but Deb's decision to comment publicly about the case was hers and hers alone, and had nothing to do with Kelvin, Sue or indeed Sensing Murder. Kelvin has been receiving negative feedback (which we have viewed) as a result of being publicly connected with Deb's comments and so it could be argued that he has every reason to distance himself from this controversy.
The Sensing Murder psychics are contractually bound to inform the producers if they are knowingly approached to work on an active cases and to seek the producer's permission before becoming involved or commenting publicly. This did not happen in this case. The obligation is to ensure that the producers are aware of every case the psychics have contact with (so they are not assigned this case in any future episodes) and to ensure that the situation is dealt with
sensitively and appropriately. In addition, Sensing Murder operates under the strict policy that we will only investigate cases when the direct family have requested our assistance.
This is a very, very complex area. On one hand, it could be argued that if the psychics have
this incredible gift, they should use it to help in every way possible. On the other hand, it
could be argued that no attempt should be made by the psychics to pass on information unless
the consent of direct family and the police has been obtained.
In a recent example, Sue received messages from spirit regarding a high profile case. She passed this information onto the producers of Sensing Murder. Sue provided an extremely detailed and specific description of where she believed the body of a missing person could be found. However, because the family had made it expressly clear that they did not want psychic assistance, this was the overriding concern and, accordingly, Sue's information was not passed on to the family or police. The next day, the victim's body was retrieved from a location matching exactly the area Sue had described previously. Had we passed on the information, perhaps the victim's body may have been retrieved a day earlier. But in the highly sensitive circumstances, we made the difficult decision not to become involved unless asked.
In another instance - Kelvin (through SM) was approached by direct family in a very high profile case. We urged the family to first ask the investigating police how they would feel about psychic involvement. The police asked the family, and us, to hold off until they had completed a crucial part of their investigation. In the meantime, Kelvin (in a controlled reading with the
SM producers) privately identified an area on an unmarked map where he believed the missing person could be found, with a specific reference point. We did not share this information with the family, police, or the public, but we did document it to hand over if/when police agreed to psychic
involvement. Three days later, the victim's body was found on the road that Kelvin identified,
near the reference point he signalled. Again, if Kelvin's information had been given to police
immediately, then the victim's body may well have been located earlier. But, at the end of the
day, we had to be guided by the police who were leading the investigation.
We have no doubts at all about Deb's accuracy - in Sensing Murder, we have to beep and obscure a great deal of information due to her accuracy, because it is too legally sensitive to include. And while we certainly understand that Deb wants to share her gift,we have expressed our concerns to her about publicly revealing information in this case.
There may well be a day when police do consult psychics on active investigations. We welcome this day, but also realise that there needs to be strict controls managing this process
(e.g establishing controlled parameters on how the readings are conducted; ensuring full consent
is granted by direct family and investigating police; and restricting the public release of this
information to ensure its release does not adversely impact on the police investigation.)

Here we have a TV network TVNZ collaborating with a Psychic about a current case to obviously boost it's ratings to the upcoming new series of Sensing Murder. The Television company that produces Sensing Murder Ninox, that sells it to TVNZ have a contract with the psychics. They are contractually bound to inform the producers if they are knowingly approached to work on an active cases and to seek the producer's permission before becoming involved or commenting publicly. Surely any publicity for the show is good. Obviously this bit by the S.M. Admin. is a flack deflecting exercise.
Then they went on to try and make things sound good for the waring psychics by spinning a yarn that cannot be coroborated.
SM admin telling lies for psychics.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Psychic Detectives

Just came across this on YouTube.
Benjamin Radford
managing editor of Skeptical Inquirer Magazine, talking at an event sponsored by the National Capital Area Skeptics in the United States of America on April 14, 2009.
His topic is, "The Truth About Psychic Detectives".
This talk is on YouTube, it is an 11 part video.
I will link the videos from YouTube below.
Well worth the view, it goes for about 1 hour 40 minutes.
YouTube video1
YouTube video2
YouTube video3
YouTube video4
YouTube video5
YouTube video6
YouTube video7
YouTube video8
YouTube video9
YouTube video10
YouTube video11

Continuing with the Psychic Detective theme.
I came across a radio broadcast whilst trawling the internet.
The radio station was Nova 100, in Perth.
They had Kelvin Cruikshank a New Zealand psychic that stars on the New Zealand show "Sensing Murder".
Kelvin was doing readings over the phone and also reading some staff members in the radio station.
Radio Psychic Readings
My analysis below.
Woman Broadcaster Do you want to talk to some of our listeners. Do you want to do readings on the phone.
K.C. No, no not usually at 8am in the morning just getting off the plane, will just have a chat.
My take Now making excuses in case of a failure, common ploy of the cold reader at the beginning of the reading.

Woman Broadcaster I am desperate to ask about a friend of mine but I can't talk about it because it will make me cry.
K.C. It's a female friend of yours, she is standing with you sweetheart.
Woman Broadcaster Yes.
My take A good guess, most females would have mainly female friends, otherwise husbands, boyfriends etc but she did not say husband, boyfriend brother etc.. Cold reading ok so far.

K.C. She is laughing at you, taking the mickey out of you, she is a character.
woman broadcasterShe is.
My take That was a bit of a guess that seemed to fit.

K.C. She is telling me to tell you to stop drinking too much wine.She knows that you like your wine.
Woman broadcaster Saying puzzly, no.I don't really like wine.
My take A cold reading miss.

K.C. What about her, she is basicly a party girl thats what I am looking at first thing in the morning.
Woman broadcaster uumm ok (she said dissapointedly.)
My take KC bombed out on that read then tried to switch it to her dead friend to try and find a fit but bombed again. Cold reading not so good. Then again it is 8am and just off the plane, that is a good excuse.

Male broadcaster Nicole you had a tragic event that happened only last week.
Nicole I had a mate pass away, wanted to know if he was allright, it was terrible circumstances, he took his own life.
KC conversation then he, is that right.
My take Question,just clarifying the sex most likely or a cold readers ploy of feeding back information that client has allready made known. This is impressive because the client particularly if emotional does not remember the conversation as
well as if they were more together.

KC Did he hang himself?
Nicole Yes
My take A question K.C. allready knew it was a terrible death so a suicide and hanging is a common way for men to suicide. They usually take the more violent means. A question that got a hit.

K.C. Was there a broken heart involved?
Nicole No
K.C. Are you sure about that
Nicole Are, yer, there was a bit of a broken heart going on.
My take Good persistant question by K.C., broken romance is a common suicide reason. Another question.

K.C. Did you ever date that guy?
Nicole No
My take A question by K.C., he did not know and bombed out. Again, a guess with the odds that did not pay.

Nina I get very emotional (crying) I want to know about my mum, my mum passed away last year
K.C. I have to ask one question, your mums dad has passed away, correct?
Nina Yes
K.C. She is coming through with him, and your mums mum has passed as well, and she has also got your dog or the family dog with her that had to be put down.
My take A common cold reading ploy asking a question, K.C. was very blatant at that usually the good cold reader is more subtle. Asking a question with the odds. Why did not the spirits say it is Nina's grandfather? But once he knew who
it is, said that he is coming through with his wife as well which was a question at first to see if she had passed. The family dog being put down, how common is that, I have had three so far.Pretty poor.

K.C. Are you one of three kids?
Nina Yes
My take A question that paid off, well done K.C., a good hit.

K.C. Two girls and a boy, or
Nina Yes
My take Another question that turned into a good hit, going well.

K.C. Mother is saying happy birthday, who's birthday is it so everyone can know.
Nina My birthday, March.
My take Could be anyones birthday in the family, KC did not know so asked the question, but March has 31 days so a poor fit. Good cold reading with a mediocre hit.

K.C. I have to hurry on the radio, started talking fast with her mum she has passed away as well?
Nina Yes
My take Another question with the odds.

K.C. I want you to know she is apples, she uses the word apples, I don't know why she would say that.
Nina Right
My take A risky guess that did not pay off, if it did, wow, if not, no harm done.

K.C. She is asking me about a Rose, Rosemary Rozy, roz
Nina Don't know
K.C. Yes you do know about it a Ro connection.
Nina Ok, I will think about it.
My take Another attempt at a hit that bombed, but K.C. persisted and Nina said ok will think about it. A cold reading ploy of blaming the client for having a faulty memory. If a Ro name comes up or she remembers a Ro name well she will think
wow. This is a common cold reading ploy.Another question. Also used what I call "Psychic speak" he said "a Ro connection".
There are many statements that are "psychic speak". Probably more on this in a separate thread.

K.C. Hey before you go do you have two kids
Nina No, but my sister does.
K.C. A boy and a girl?
Nina No, two girls
My take K.C. tried to get some cred. back with another question disguised as a statement. Bombed out big time there. 8am start again did that. The believers will say but he mentioned 2 kids, but it was a guess that he essentially bombed out on.

Geoff sports reporter I lost Paul my older brother to leukemia
K.C. Just trying to get a link. Your paternal grandfather & grandmother have passed away?
Geoff Right.
K.C. Just trying to establish a link, can you imagine a whole lot of people standing here and all talking at once
My take Asking a question to get info but disguising it as trying to get to the right person through all of the othersthat are pestering him.

K.C. Asking about a birthday, they have a big bunch of balloons. Someone relative to you or around you within the next week or two.
Geoff Today, my nephews 21st.
My take Another question that elicited a good hit. The odds of a family member or friend, or workmate having a birthday within 2 weeks is not bad odds, the bigger the family the better the odds. A good cold reading ploy. I would have been
impressed if KC had said that your nephew is having his 21st birtday today.

K.C. Your bro is acknowledging his nephew, is that his nephew or son.
Geoff My nephew and his nephew
My take Another question, KC had no idea of the relationship between the deceased brother and Geofs nephew. Why did not the spirits tell him, be more specific? Why acknowledge the nephew? Why did the spirit not tell KC about the nephews birthday that day. The spirit acknowledged the nephew but only vaguely hinted at a birthday earlier. You see the nephew came up at the first attempt at info from KC from a question then he uses that info to make his reading more believable.
A good cold reading ploy that one. Do you believers get that connection from birthday to nephew to acknowledgement, he built
up a good reading there using cold reading.

K.C. He has a footy as well, did he play footy, or you or did you play together
Geoff He was a mad footballer played for Brunswick
My take Duh, a sports reporter with a footy connection, him or his brother. That was a blatant question of KC, he really took the short odds there.

K.C. He is throwing darts at me, dart board.
Geoff Throwing darts (he is trying hard to get a connection to that)
My take A big miss, well he is sticking to the sport agenda. Trying to stay with the odds but bombing out again.
If he got a darts connection then Geoff would have been very impressed

K.C. When they throw darts it is like a teaser, trying to make you smile.
My take Switching this around to make his miss look much better. A common cold reading ploy.

K.C. He is also saying this two, have you got two of your own kids yet.
Geoff No
My take Another question that bombed, the two kids did not work this time. Bad luck KC

K.C. He is saying two, two, two, two, are you one of two.
Geoff I am the 4th child there is two boys.
My take KC persisting with this two, Geoff must find a link there soon.

Geoff Two boys, two girls
K.C.Geoff Any of those guys born in February
Geoff No
My take Geoff finally found a two link, then KCs guess about February bombed right out. Cold reading question not so good.

K.C. He is saying, should have seen some of the girls he has dated
Geoff Those days are over
Then it is said by woman broadcaster that Geoff has just got engaged
My take Another guess with the odds, did not seem much of a hit.

K.C. A Island connection, Fiji, Raratonga some connection, I don't know if that has happened yet.
Woman Broadcaster Where's Amra from
Geoff Lebonese parentage.
K.C. A connection with something happening over there in the future
My take Another miss from a question. Maybe he took the odds and hoped he was honeymooning in the Pacific Islands. But a vague comeback about something happening in the islands in the future is pretty poor cold reading. A big miss but the woman broadcaster is becoming KCs little helper. I think KC has that effect on all women.

K.C. He is also making me feel of the connection of own home, do you own your own house.
Geoff No
My take KCs cold reading not too good with Geoff, it's that bloody 8am start again.

K.C. Give mum a big hug, mum not coping, dad keeps it in the closet, it is important for her to understand it is not her fault. She somehow blames herself, you may not have heard that from her.
My take Very common for mothers to be emotional about a death and dad to bottle it up a common male trait. Typical for women to blame themselves for a lot of the problems, look at domestic violence and how the women victims often blame themselves.
He also added the "you may not have heard that from her" in case he has not, and thinks KC is wrong when really he is
fitting it to be right, rightly or wrongly.

K.C. Where does Margaret or Marg come into it.
Geoff No
K.C. Don't right it off, I know what I am talking about.Mellisa, Mark, a big M
Geoff Marney, Margaret, Aunty Margaret's alive
My take Well another question that bombed big time, but he tried to salvage this by saying don't write it off.
Geoff may fit this later in life, if he remembers well he then will be impressed with KC, if not no harm done. But Geoff did fit it with a aunty margaret.

All of the readings were conducted mainly with questions from KC. Some of them did fit, but most did not.
There was a lot more in this reading that could not be validated such as he/she is ok, he/she loves you. He/she is with
The skilled cold reader builds the reading on information gleaned from the client then feeds it back skillfully to make it
look like the psychic has come up with it.