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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Creation and Evolution Further Update

A further update on the Creation Ministries International (CMI) seminar.
On their website CMI they say that their seminar,  (CREATION AND EVOLUTION, Scientific evidence, myths and challenges), has been moved to the Fraser Coast Baptist Church.
They claim  that a scare campaign by the Griffith University Society of Skeptics and Freethinkers was responsible for the cancelling of the event. They claim that the skeptics and freethinkers group browbeat the university into dropping the seminar.
I quote from their first line of their stop press about the seminar.
The Fraser Coast campus of The University of Southern Queensland (USQ) had asked for this seminar as a community event. When the plans became public ‘all hell broke loose’. A journalism student at Griffith University mounted a scare campaign, which seemed intended to browbeat the university into dropping the seminar.
Wow, this Journalism student must have some power.
They claim from this quote that the University had asked that this seminar come about as a community event.
The University say, quoting from the ABC Southern Queensland website from a audio clip of an interview on that radio station from Dr. Aidan Burke that, The community approached the University to have a forum on that topic.
This is the opposite to what CMI are quoting, so who is telling the truth.
CMI also state that when the plans became public all hell broke loose.   Well I wonder why!!
Why should a University host a religious propaganda seminar claiming that evolution is wrong. 
Evolution, that has mountains and mountains of unbiased scientific evidence backing it up.
Why should a small band of religious fundamentalists push their beliefs from the University in an attempt to show falsely that the University backs these beliefs in some way. Why should they have their beliefs pushed ahead of any other religions creation beliefs, what is so special about their beliefs. Why not the Hindus have a creation seminar, the Australian Aboriginals have a dream time seminar, what makes them so special.
It seems to me that the seminar is now in the right setting, Fraser Coast Baptist Church. 
Maybe a forum or debate by CMI and University Biologists etc. would be a more appropriate forum if it is to be held at the University. Here both sides can air their thoughts.   

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