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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Decision has been made

Well finally after over two weeks we have a minority government.
Labor with Julia Gillard as P.M.
I personally think it was a good decision.
Because of
Price for carbon
Reforms to parliamentary practices
Less power to political parties, they are not there for the countries benefit but for their own short term benefits.
More money for regional and rural areas, long overdue.
Not another 3 or 6 years of conservative sit on their hands inactivity.
What this should sheet home very clearly to the Nats. is that they should leave the coalition. Then after each election they should negotiate with the two major parties for their rural electorates. Unless all they want is a few ministries and the deputy prime minister position. If that is all they want they deserve the irrelevance they have now. They should be fighting hard for their people, in coalition, they are not.


  1. When the WA Nats wo the balance of power in WA, I made the point that the federal Nats should follow their lead if they hoped to have any relevancy. The Democrats left a gap no one has filled federally. The Greens are too far left for some people who would like an alternative to the majors, especially in regional Australia.

    And holding the balance of power puts them in a pretty good position regarding ministerial posts. The WA Nats got a few and rumours are that Oakeshott might get one.

    It's been reported over here that the WA mob tried to convince their eastern cousins to split but they refused. Oops!

    Now, after the election and seeing how they might have had more clout if they were independent, they complain to the Libs that they better be treated right or they're going to be difficult.

    Something about gates and bolting horses comes to mind.

    (On the other hand, they seem to have more than their share of nutters - so maybe they're better off on the opposition back benches)

  2. I think if they left the coalition they would do much better electorally as well as delivering much more to rural Australia.
    I think most of them like the opportunity at Deputy PM and a token ministery or two.
    So much more can be done for democracy if they left the coalition. I may even vote for them in the senate, if they did that!!
