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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Believers and scepticism

Danish researchers from the Uffe Schjoedt Aarhus University Denmark have found that certain parts of the brain that control scepticism and vigilance seem to deactivate in some people in the presence of a speaker who they believe has divine healing powers.
The researchers obtained 36 male and female participants, half of which were Christian of the Pentecostal Church faith and the other half non religious.
They assembled three speakers and the participants were told that the speakers were a Christian, a non Christian and a Christian with known healing powers. In reality all three speakers were Christians with no alleged healing powers. 
 The participants listened to 18 different prayers whilst undergoing brain scans (not sure of what type of scan, the article did not state).
They were looking at the prefrontal cortex that allegedly controls scepticism.
The Christians had decreased activity in this region when listening to the claimed Christian with healing powers. Their brain activity in the prefrontal cortex was increased when the claimed non religious speaker was speaking.
The non religious participants had no change in brain activity across all three speakers.

SMH Article
I suppose this is not surprising. Believers of anything seem to loose their rational thinking when in contact with people they believe in having some type of supernatural powers, or possess extraordinary things to improve you, such as miracle wrist bands, crystal bracelets, longer dongers it is never ending for the charlatans. These  could be religious preachers, Psychics, purveyors of miracle substances such as, Body Flow Machines, Power Balance Wrist bands. By the way Benji's power balance wrist band must be letting him down going on the Tigers performance over the last two weeks, I would want my money back.
To me this sums up a need to be forever vigilant to all sorts of claims, religious, health, sex life (longer dongers etc), spiritual and new age claims.
Scepticism for me is a never ending vigilance.

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