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Saturday, January 29, 2011

School Ethics Classes--Lies from Christian groups

There is to be a meeting at the NSW Parliament House regarding the Ethics Classes.
This meeting will be held by concerned, hysterical Christians that are saying the current Labor government want to get scripture classes out of public schools.
What a beat up, a whole pack of lies to scare gullible Christians.
This meeting will take place in the NSW Parliament House Theatrette, NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney at 12 Noon on Monday 28th February 2011.
Participants are. 
The Rev Richard Quadrio of the NSW Council of Churches will Chair the meeting.
Invited speakers include,
Rev Rod Benson of Morling Baptist College,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC,
Mayor Paul Green of Shoalhaven Council and,
Pastor Peter Rahme of the Inner West Baptist Church.
Christian meeting at Parliament House
We need a strong secular voice in this state to counter the scare mongering hysterics from the Christian lobby.


  1. Sadly, the government SHOULD want to get scripture classes out of public schools. And if the theists genuinely believed in an omniscient, omnipotent god, they surely wouldn't feel the need to fight his battles for him. After all, Danny Nalliah reckons his god will happily inflict misery on those who don't properly toe the party line - don't all these guys believe in that same god?.

  2. Well I feel that religion should not be in public schools.
    But that is too much a radical idea for the religious and polys.
    Ethics classes are a great idea for those that don't go to scripture.

  3. Yes, you would think that God would just smite these evil Atheists.
    But then again the theists have a way around this inaction from their God.
    Man has free will, proclaimed by God. That is their out.

  4. Well if their god allows us free will, why are they trying to circumvent our use of it? Do they think themselves better than God?

  5. The Christians of course want us to do as they want.
    But how they get around the problem of people not doing as God wants they make up a story about God giving us free will, it gives them an out.
    Andy, the free will bit is heads (God)I win, tails you (us) lose.
    God has given us free will to do what we want to do.
    But we must worship him only to get to heaven. We have free will not to, but if we don't, then Hell, here we come.
