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Saturday, January 29, 2011

School Ethics Classes--Lies from Christian groups

There is to be a meeting at the NSW Parliament House regarding the Ethics Classes.
This meeting will be held by concerned, hysterical Christians that are saying the current Labor government want to get scripture classes out of public schools.
What a beat up, a whole pack of lies to scare gullible Christians.
This meeting will take place in the NSW Parliament House Theatrette, NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney at 12 Noon on Monday 28th February 2011.
Participants are. 
The Rev Richard Quadrio of the NSW Council of Churches will Chair the meeting.
Invited speakers include,
Rev Rod Benson of Morling Baptist College,
Rev Hon Fred Nile MLC,
Mayor Paul Green of Shoalhaven Council and,
Pastor Peter Rahme of the Inner West Baptist Church.
Christian meeting at Parliament House
We need a strong secular voice in this state to counter the scare mongering hysterics from the Christian lobby.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Here is an interesting comical take on the anti vaccination debate and in particular Andrew Wakefield.
The Facts In The Case Of Dr. Andrew Wakefield

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Religion 101

Religion in one easy lesson.
Nothing more can be said.
Religion 101