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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Macarthur is going off

What's going on in Macarthur!
Yes, the outer south west of Sydney.
Has it gone completely loopy.
In the local newspaper "Campbelltown Macarthur Advertiser" there was an article on a Psychic, Debbie Malone. The article below.
Psychic Debbie Malone.
This article, or should I say advertisement, I wonder if she paid for it? Made some startling claims.
The Psychic, Debbie, claimed that she was strangled by a ghost in a near death experience. She also claims she has a particular gift for catching spiritual entities on camera, wow. Do you mean she has control of the camera in a metaphysical way and only she can make the camera see and take spiritual entities, something us mere mortals cannot do.
The punchline in this incredulous article is of course the advertising of her upcoming workshop at Picton where she will share her fantastic knowledge at a miserly cost of only $350 for the day. Picton of course is the logical location being the famous, most haunted town in Australia.
She also carries on and says she is a bit sceptical, and wants proof, this is why I do it she says. I doubt if she knows what scepticism means. Oh, and she also photographs Orbs and talks to them. What a woman.
Well if you want to part with your hard earned on this, well go for it, but I think you would have to be very gullible.
This Debbie Malone I assume is the same psychic that was part of that fantastic psychic trio at the "Psychic Taskforce event" at Burswood Casino on September 27 2008, which featured psychics Scott Russell Hill, Anthony Grzelka and Deb Malone, who presented a raft of claims regarding the unsolved murders and the supposed killer in the Claremont serial killings. Non of these murders have been solved. Maybe the police are deliberately ignoring their startling findings?
But there's more, from the Advertiser.
Festival of Light.
On the same weekend as Deb Malone.
What a paranormal weekend that will be in Macarthur.
At West's Leagues Club, Leumeah, running from Friday to Sunday.
Featuring of course, "The One" star Ezio De Angelis.
This festival has, Natural Therapies, Mediums, Animal Connections, New Age Products, Psychic Readings, Seminars and Kids Workshop Age 7+.
The Kids Workshop is a worry. Why inflict this superstitious nonsense on the young and impressionable. Give me a child at 7 and I will shape him into anything, I think the old saying goes.
But then again, organised religion does the same with Sunday school. Teaching impressionable minds mindless drivel from 2000+ years ago.
Fortunately, all of this superstitious nonsense is in the Entertainment section of the newspaper, just a small saving grace. But I don't think the gullible will particularly notice what part of the paper it is in, it is all fair dinkum to them.

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