Psychics and Cold Reading
I want to discuss the connection between Psychic readings and cold reading.
When I say psychic I am referring to this in a generic way and maybe a paranormalist may be a better term. But I will use the term psychic.
Cold reading can be used in all areas of paranormal readings.
Talking to the dead (spirits), reading tarot cards, crystal balls, vibrations from jewelry or other personal items, etc.
All of these readings rely on as much as I can work out on communicating with spirits or energy,
vibrations etc. to get the information.
It is often claimed by believers and psychics that there are frauds and charlatans in the psychic industry. But of course they are not, or the psychic that the believer believes in is not.
For me the psychic has not got off first base because they have to give me evidence for spirits, energy and vibrations, etc. that they tune into and get information. This evidence is not forth coming, so the possibilities of these "gifts' are virtually nil or are nil until credible evidence can be shown to me. You can have an open mind on all of this but unless there is evidence you can't be too open. The old saying of, I think this is how it goes. "You can have an open mind but not too open that your brain falls out", would be relevant to me here.
So a pertinent question here is how do you know the frauds from the real ones?
How do you know the fraud from the genuine psychic?
I say the fraud uses cold reading.
Or do they all use cold reading?
I have not had a psychic reading or seen one first hand so don't know if they all use cold reading. So I can only go on what I have seen on TV or YouTube.
I am not prepared to pay $500 to talk to a Psychic for about 1 hour on the phone. This is what a well known "true" psychic (Deb Webber) charges for a reading to jump over all of the other people waiting for a regular reading. In other words pay the bucks and jump over the plebs.
Recently on Australian TV they had the series "The One", the search for Australia's most gifted Psychic. This show had a psychic task each episode that the Psychic had to complete. Well the result of all of these tests were woeful. No one got any of the tasks done successfully except for the first task which was completed successfully by 2 psychics, but no psychic ability as far as I could see was needed. They did readings in each show of people in the audience. All of these readings to me were done by cold reading, and this was an edited version of the readings. What were the whole readings like, bloody woeful I would say.
So to me these Psychics on "The One" are probably not real.
Here below is a YouTube video of John Edward, possibly the best known psychic in the USA and maybe Australia as well. He is shown on this video giving some readings. Well he is definitely cold reading with all of the names he is churning out and J and T etc sounding names, pretty pathetic. If this is the best the psychic world has, it does not have much.
John Edward
Cold reading is a powerful tool in the armory of any psychic if they are skilled at it.
It would do us all well to find out more about cold reading and it's uses in psychic readings.
Surely it would be to the benefit of all "genuine psychics" to advertise and encourage their believers to know all about cold reading. If their followers knew this they would then know the difference between a genuine and charlatan psychic. But do they encourage this? Not that I know of, I wonder why?
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