Don Randall the rorting Western Australian Liberal member has paid his rort of the taxpayers.
West Australian state Liberal MP Rob Johnson called on Mr Abbott to
dump the embattled federal WA Liberal Don Randall over a
taxpayer-funded trip to Cairns with his wife in November last year.
In a statement on Thursday Mr Randall said he would immediately
reimburse the full cost of the trip to ''ensure the right thing is
done by the taxpayer and alleviate any ambiguity''.
"The Department informed me that it cannot provide definitive advice.''
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I call ******** on that. How can the Department of Finance allow an M.P.
to go across to the other side of a large continent to buy an
investment property and claim the travel and other expenses on the
taxpayers. This should have been investigated by the AFP.
Tony Abbott is not fit to govern this country due to his inaction on this and his own rorting of the system over many years.
So far the worst P.M. ever.
What a disgraceful rabble they are.