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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Joe Hockey's ABC 936 Hobart interview

Below is a link to that Hobart ABC radio interview.
Joe Hockey's ABC interview

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Delimiter responds to Joe Hockey's response.

Delimiter now responds to Joe Hockey's response.
Title of response.
Sorry mr. Hockey, you're still wrong.
Delimiter responds to Joe Hockey's response.

Hockey responds.

After the article in Delimiter, my previous post, Joe Hockey has responded in Delimiter.
Article heading is. 
4G comments taken out of context, says Hockey
 Hockey's response

Joe Hockey joins the Bullshit Market

Joe Hockey has now weighed in to the NBN argument with some breathtaking Bullshit.
The claims were made in a radio interview which Hockey gave with the ABC’s Statewide Mornings show on ABC 936 in a visit to Tasmania last week.
Here is some of those words of unbelievable bullshit.
  • 4G mobile broadband has the potential to be “far superior” to the fibre technology which Labor’s National Broadband Network policy features.
  • It could cost Australians up to $1,000 to connect to the NBN.
  • And what – you know, I don’t know about you but I use an iPad. The iPad I carry around in the car, I don’t have a cable dragging behind the car. I use wireless technology and I think that’s the way that functionality is going.
  • There is a great deal of irony in the fact that when the Government did a deal with Telstra for the National Broadband Network, I understand part of that deal identified that Telstra was not allowed to sell its new 4G technology as a competitor to the NBN because 4G has the capacity to be far superior to the NBN,” said Hockey. “So what does the Government do? It says, well, you’re not allowed to market it, as a competitor.
Read the article on this ABC interview at the link below.
Joe Hockey's Bullshit.
As far as I know wireless, such as 4G are not banned from competing with the NBN, but I will stand corrected with good reliable FACTS to the contrary though.

Alan Jones breaches broadcasting code

That great bastion of free speech and fairness, Alan Jones :shock:, has breached the broadcasting code by claiming ''human beings produce 0.001 per cent of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere'', the Australian Communications and Media Authority has found.
The authority found that this was presented as a statement of fact, it was not substantiated by the licensee and there was no evidence that reasonable efforts had been taken to ensure that it was reasonably supportable as being accurate, as required under the codes,'' the authority's chairman, Chris Chapman, said.
In other words it was BullShit by Jones and not corrected by him or the radio station. This is a continuing saga of disinformation and bullshit by radio station 2GB and it's presenters regarding the Gillard Government.
This station and presenters have been frothing at the mouth with rage since August 2010, when their white haired boy Tony Abbott could not negotiate with the Independents and Greens to claim Government. This station 2GB has been relentlessly negative towards the Gillard Government and it's policies since August 2010. 
I cannot remember in my whole life, a radio station so biased politically than this one. They are a disgrace.

2GB Cash for Comments

Radio station 2GB in Sydney have lost their case in the Federal Court regarding new rules requiring presenters to reveal, on air, the deals they and their employers have with advertisers.
Macquarie Radio (owners of 2GB) say that compliance with this rule is impossible and impinges on their freedom of speech.
Well you can thank those great bastions of freedom of speech and fairness (not) Alan Jones and John Laws for all of this with their disgraceful cash for comments imbroglio. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

Indian Catholics want a man gaoled for exposing their fraud.

That's right, the  Catholic Church in Mumbai want a Sanal Edamaruku arrested for “deliberately hurting religious feelings and attempting malicious acts intended to outrage the religious sentiments of any class or community”, an offence under Section 295(a) of the Indian Penal Code.
What did he do?
He exposed blood oozing from a statue of Christ at the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Velan kanni in Vile Parle, Mumbai was in fact water from a leaky pipe – the Catholic Church of Mumbai made a formal complaint about him to the Mumbai police.
Please join the Rationalist Association (UK) in condemning the misuse of Indian law by the Catholic Church to silence a campaigner against superstition. In March 2012, following his exposure of a supposed miracle at a Catholic Church in Mumbai as nothing more than the result of a leak, a complaint was lodged against Sanal Edamaruku by the local Catholic Archdiocese with the Mumbai police, who are now able to arrest him. He has been denied 'anticipatory' bail which means if arrested he faces a long term in prison merely for explaining the science behind an apparent mystery. 
Please if you wish go sign a petition by the UK Rationalists Association.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abbott and Gillard. What did we do wrong to end up with these two?

Indeed, what did us poor suffering Australian's do to suffer these two 4th rate leaders?
How many ladders did we walk under, how many black cats crossed our paths, how many cracked mirrors etc, etc..
This article linked below by  Peter Hartcher the political editor and international editor of The Sydney Morning Herald, says it all. It crystallised my thoughts on the political debate we have at the moment.
Abbott and Gillard. "Panic on the House Floor."
below are some pieces from the article.
For people who spend every moment striving to win and hold power, their greatest fear is powerlessness. We have just seen Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott panic at the prospect of powerlessness, but it loomed for each in a very different way.
Abbott lives in fear of stunts because, we have to conclude, he has built his own political success on stunts. He goes from factory to factory, day after day, declaring imminent bankruptcy as he spreads a fear campaign. He is the leader who called for a "people's revolt" against a carbon tax.
"She freaked when the AWU walked into her office," was how one participant in the process described it. "She just lost it," said another.
This moment illuminated the real "Real Julia". It showed up two realities which are not customarily on public display. First, it showed that she feels herself to be dependent on the unions for her leadership, and on the AWU in particular, whose affiliated MPs supplied at least 20 of the 71 votes she won in her leadership ballot against Rudd in February.
Second, Gillard's acute anxiety suggests that she feels her leadership to be under a live threat.
Where do we go from here?
Who should lead the two major parties?
I think we are down the creek without a paddle.
The Liberals have one potential leader that is a real Liberal, Malcolm Turnbull.
Labor as far as I can see has no one.
Kevin Rudd is not the answer, he may be a short term answer to Labor. But for me he does not have the spine to be a good leader. This is evidenced by his falling over on his ETS policy.