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Friday, February 11, 2011

NSW Up the Creek Without a Paddle

Just watched the first debate on ABC TV between the current NSW State Government Labor Treasurer Eric Roozendaal and the Coalition Shadow Treasurer Mike Baird.
The debate was about the electricity generation sell off.
NSW Labor are of course under fire for negotiating a very bad deal for NSW.
The shadow Treasurer was totally inept in holding Roozendaal to account. He was beaten point by point by a much more polished Roozendaal.
The Coalition has no Electricity policy unfortunately.
The "moderator" of the debate, Quentin Dempster, was a much more effective opponent, and he had to make a lot of the points to Roozendaal. The opposition Treasurer appeared to have no idea.
This is very worrying for the state of NSW.
More than anything we need a good strong Liberal/Coalition Government after March.
It is not looking good.
We cannot vote Labor back in.
I just hope the Coalition can lift it's socks up. If this debate is any key to their strength, we are in trouble.

Friday, February 4, 2011

School Ethics classes update

An update on Ethics classes.
Not to do with the hysterical Christians meeting.
But something that will make them very unhappy.
The Liberal opposition in NSW have decided to do a backflip and are now supporting ethical classes. When they come to power in March, which they will, call me psychic, they will continue the classes, which are just starting now.
At last the conservatives have put good sense before a few cheap votes.
Here is a link to the Christian lobby say on this.