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Friday, March 20, 2009

Cosmic Ordering

Well the new sensation with the New Age set is, "Cosmic Ordering". It does seem to be similar to "The Secret".
Cosmic ordering allegedly harnesses the power of positive thinking, and the creative "energy" of our thoughts travels through the interconnected cosmos to bring about all of your desires. The only proviso is that you "be positive, be open and be at ease, requesting your cosmic order without worry or attachment to the outcome."
There is a website for cosmic ordering, and here you place your order or orders, as many as you like.
If by chance your order fails, that is if you are negative, close minded, not believing in Cosmic Ordering then just visit this website and all will be well.
How easy can all of this be. Why was it not thought of years ago. Yes, I wonder why.
Well I have put it to the test and have gone to the Cosmic Ordering website and ordered this to be delivered by Monday 23rd March 2009. This is what I ordered. "Irradicate world poverty. Supply abundant and clean water to every person on this planet. Supply abundant food and shelter for every person on this planet. Rid this world of all brutal dictators."
Do you think it will be delivered?
Well, we will soon find out, come Monday. I will either be a massive believer in Cosmic Ordering or remain a sceptic to all that is woo.
This could be a life changing day for me, but don't hold your breath.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Psychic Kids
Should we be encouraging children from an early age participating in the paranormal. Children that their parents claim are psychic. Channel 7 current affair show did a program on this.
Channel 7 program
Are these children being exploited by parents living their fantasies through their children. Channel 7 should not have televised such a show but to their credit at least they did have a contrary opinion.
New Idea magazine got into the act with the same poor child and did a one sided article on the girl and her mother.

Mothers web site
The childs mother has a website dedicated to her daughter.
How appropriate is all of this.
Is it a form of child abuse?